Are You Homeless
Are You Homeless? We are here to help!
How we can help you.
- Hot Food: served daily until closed, nutritional, unlimited, including dessert.
- Cold Food: Ramen noodles, peanut butter, fruit, granola bars, etc.
- Showers: Available during open hours.
- Laundry: Free during open hours.
- Clothing/shoes: Clothing, shoes, coats, socks, underwear, hats, and gloves.
- Tents/sleeping bags: We can provide for you if homeless but not allowed to sleep at overnight shelters.
- Transportation: Bus tickets used to encourage writing skills and education.
- Prescriptions/First aid: Covered when you have no insurance.
- Eye Glasses/ teeth extractions: Local professionals provide for you.
- Education: General Education Development GED’s the price is covered for you. GED tests are a group of four subject tests which, when passed, provide certification that the test taker has American or Canadian high school-level academic skills.
- Recovery: 16 NA/AA meeting per week are available at the center, also rides to a detox center for alcohol/drug treatment and counseling.
- Food Handler Cards, ID’s, Birth Certificates, Tutoring are also available with help through TAFY
- Transportation: Bus tickets are available
Open Hours
Monday 3 pm -7 pm
Wednesday 3 pm - 7 pm
Friday 3 pm - 7 pm
Saturday 4 pm - 7 pm
826 East First Street
Port Angeles City